ey! well, april 2005 is about to vanish in about a few more hours... guess what?! what have i accomplished? nothing actually... i didn't get to finish my aikido lessons because of this darn stupid cold... anyway, missing it already although i don't want to repeat everything again for the next month... actually, what i'll be missing there is the exercise and the rolling (which is what i hate from the first but came to like it as i learned how to do it correctly ) anyway, that's not the only thing i miss... i miss school, not just any school, i miss our alma mater and of course our classroom and classmates... aw... i also miss the retreat although everything could not stay and everyone has to move on, sometimes i still wish that we are still up in tagaytay having our retreat ( like yesterday ) speaking of the retreat, yesterday, i was organizing the drawer under my brother's bed coz that's where i keep my albums, my statios, my letters and some vcds and cds... as i scan thru those things, i found a notebook with my fan fic in it, bunch of papers where my other fanfics are printed (o! if you are interested in reading some of them, there are a few in fanfiction.net under the author name of minisignal ), there are also our cds from our third year play, vcds of fourth year plays, the scrap book i made from grade 6 ( i looked over it again and was surprised to see that me and my best friend then didn't even have a single picture together! oh well...), the scrapbook i am still until now compiling from first year to fourth year ( fourth year nalang hindi tapos ), a bunch of reco letters kept in a native box my cousin gave me when he sponsored me for the retreat. i scanned the letters half way, didn't finished it all coz the tv was too big of a distraction and well, the pc was also tempting... anyway, i went until i reached the pink colored cardboards i stopped. though, the letters which were written in a different paper were the first to be read... anyway, i am still living in the past if i cried while i read those... i didn't by the way, but i felt a strange feeling reading those. i also found my rhgp project for the fourth quarter last year, read some messages there too... my, how messages change from our retreat to our graduation... :D but it's not the messages that change, it's how we have bonded thru the school year... so much for being able to move on... well, i am moving on... but i still can't leave the past just like that *snaps* that's it!
"You tell me what you want and I'll be that for you!"
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Friday, April 29, 2005
.:frog's month:.
hey! since it's almost bye bye april... that also means that it's almost bye bye frog month too... and yet, as a fellow frog (to other frogs) i haven't been able to fully explain why april is frog's month... although i have mentioned it to a friend (Jay) who found it utterly disgusting, revolting and ok ok, i am exaggerating just a little bit... ok a lot! anyway, i know that most of you who played or are playing mgs3 (metal gear solid 3) hates frogs by the time you finish the game and can't acquire the... is it the stealth suit?! anyway, i will now tell you a fascinating trivia about the frogs...
last time, i forgot what day it really is... i was watching the national geographic channel which was so seldom for me coz i usually watch the animal channel, discovery channel for educational and knowledge adding tv shows! so, there i was watching finding myself amazed by what i was seeing... there were toads and well, frogs as well.. it was amazing to see how they defend themselves and well, what fascinated me most was the part where two frogs of the opposite sex waas making out... i mean, i have never seen frogs do that! ever! and well, i didn't have any evil thoughts because it was the wonder of nature, mind you guys... :D anyway, i was amazed by the fact that every time they move, the female frog on top of the male frog would lay many eggs there and what's more amazing was that the eggs were floating in water instead of sinking... know why? it is because, frogs' eggs have a jelly-like coating which help them float and it also protects them from being automatically consumed by grasshopper-like insects... (not much of an insect fan ) well, the insects can kill them but the cover is just so that they won't die at once... :D
anyway, so that's why april is frog's month... cause april is summer and frogs lay eggs and make out during the summer! :D that's it! hope you enjoyed that grossed out tale of a frog... :D
last time, i forgot what day it really is... i was watching the national geographic channel which was so seldom for me coz i usually watch the animal channel, discovery channel for educational and knowledge adding tv shows! so, there i was watching finding myself amazed by what i was seeing... there were toads and well, frogs as well.. it was amazing to see how they defend themselves and well, what fascinated me most was the part where two frogs of the opposite sex waas making out... i mean, i have never seen frogs do that! ever! and well, i didn't have any evil thoughts because it was the wonder of nature, mind you guys... :D anyway, i was amazed by the fact that every time they move, the female frog on top of the male frog would lay many eggs there and what's more amazing was that the eggs were floating in water instead of sinking... know why? it is because, frogs' eggs have a jelly-like coating which help them float and it also protects them from being automatically consumed by grasshopper-like insects... (not much of an insect fan ) well, the insects can kill them but the cover is just so that they won't die at once... :D
anyway, so that's why april is frog's month... cause april is summer and frogs lay eggs and make out during the summer! :D that's it! hope you enjoyed that grossed out tale of a frog... :D
Thursday, April 28, 2005
.: fantasy becomes reality :.
ha! i wish! in my dreams! and all those stuff... anyway, why is this so? i just want to have something to write about, to talk about... no, actually i'm in a sick romantic mode right now, or at least my brain! :D
so, it's like this... how about waking up one day, seeing a loved one looking down on you and it looks like he's been up all night watching over you and says "good morning baby!" then he hands you a tray with homemade pancakes, fresh orange juice that looked like he sweat and worked hard for it at the wake of dawn with a red full bloomed rose to make the meal more romantic for the both of you. then he jumps on the bed to join you for your breakfast and during the meal, he feeds you... heck! hey, my fantasy doesn't end there... anyway, then after the two of you have finished your meals he says something like... "go dress up, i have a surprise for you today..." then after you get ready, you see him down stairs with his red convertible waving at you to go join him. then he drives you to this relaxing countryside that well, is perfect enough to just lay around and play a little... just to find out that that is his plan exactly! he stops the car at a more or so beautiful field that is full of beautiful exotic flowers, you can feel the breeze thru your neck and well, you can think of nothing else but where you are and who you're with... suddenly after some time, because of the very relaxing feeling and aroma the surrounding it took effect on you and you started to feel sleepy and finally took a nap... then you hear a familiar voice calling out your name asking you to wake up... then when you open your eyes you see your loved one, he asks you to put on a blindfold for him and helps you out. he's leading you to somewhere but you are not sure where... but later on, when he arrives at the destination, he removes your blindfold and guess what?! you are some place high and you can oversee your whole village/town/city... and well, in front of you is a meal for two... how romantic! when sunset approaches, he drives you to a body of water where you can see the beautiful and romantic sunset together... then it's night time!
what to do at night?! haha!!! this one's going to be very silly for some... but for me... oh well, this whole thing is silly anyway... so, here goes! :D
he drives you some place where there's a big, beautiful fountain... you can't simply say no to that thing coz the view from there is simply breath taking! you see countless star above and the moon smiling down on the two of you...
ok, i'm not going to finish the night for you guys.. :D hahaha!!! anyway, that's just a fantasy... it could never happen to reality... maybe in the movies, fanfics or tv shows... anyway, stupid me... sorry for letting you read such a mushy, corny and not to mention time wasting fantasy of mine... :D that's it!
so, it's like this... how about waking up one day, seeing a loved one looking down on you and it looks like he's been up all night watching over you and says "good morning baby!" then he hands you a tray with homemade pancakes, fresh orange juice that looked like he sweat and worked hard for it at the wake of dawn with a red full bloomed rose to make the meal more romantic for the both of you. then he jumps on the bed to join you for your breakfast and during the meal, he feeds you... heck! hey, my fantasy doesn't end there... anyway, then after the two of you have finished your meals he says something like... "go dress up, i have a surprise for you today..." then after you get ready, you see him down stairs with his red convertible waving at you to go join him. then he drives you to this relaxing countryside that well, is perfect enough to just lay around and play a little... just to find out that that is his plan exactly! he stops the car at a more or so beautiful field that is full of beautiful exotic flowers, you can feel the breeze thru your neck and well, you can think of nothing else but where you are and who you're with... suddenly after some time, because of the very relaxing feeling and aroma the surrounding it took effect on you and you started to feel sleepy and finally took a nap... then you hear a familiar voice calling out your name asking you to wake up... then when you open your eyes you see your loved one, he asks you to put on a blindfold for him and helps you out. he's leading you to somewhere but you are not sure where... but later on, when he arrives at the destination, he removes your blindfold and guess what?! you are some place high and you can oversee your whole village/town/city... and well, in front of you is a meal for two... how romantic! when sunset approaches, he drives you to a body of water where you can see the beautiful and romantic sunset together... then it's night time!
what to do at night?! haha!!! this one's going to be very silly for some... but for me... oh well, this whole thing is silly anyway... so, here goes! :D
he drives you some place where there's a big, beautiful fountain... you can't simply say no to that thing coz the view from there is simply breath taking! you see countless star above and the moon smiling down on the two of you...
ok, i'm not going to finish the night for you guys.. :D hahaha!!! anyway, that's just a fantasy... it could never happen to reality... maybe in the movies, fanfics or tv shows... anyway, stupid me... sorry for letting you read such a mushy, corny and not to mention time wasting fantasy of mine... :D that's it!
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
out sick today... can't go to aikido class... the sneezes just keep coming!!! argh!! i hate it... anyway, not only do i have the sniffles, but every bone in my body hurts too!!! probably because of all the bruises i received from aikido class last monday... o my... anyway, friday is supposed to be the last session... if i can go...
so, what now? i'm bored and got nothing to do in the net... what do people usually do over the net besides playing online rpg games? i guess ym... but what's the use of ym if none of your friends are online... anyway, just finished eating my lunch... guess what i had... come on... guess... it's not that hard... oh, all right... i had milk and cookies!!! :D the cookies were superb!!! it's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies... the first time i baked a batch!!! :D not to blow my horn or anything, but it really is the best one i have tasted! i made it really big coz yesterday i was having trouble molding coz i already got the bug... so, big, round oatmeal choco chip cookies... :D a, o yeah, why i baked? not because i wanted to eat... it's because i'm trying out the recipe i got for an upcoming event... shh... don't be noisy about the event... well, people who wants to know and wants to help out, just give me a buzz either by commenting, tagboard, ym, e-mail, text (my cellphone is open 24/7)or by calling me at home, i am at home... well, usually... but most of the time i'm out... but you can contact me anyway! there are a lot of methods to contact me! that's it! :D
so, what now? i'm bored and got nothing to do in the net... what do people usually do over the net besides playing online rpg games? i guess ym... but what's the use of ym if none of your friends are online... anyway, just finished eating my lunch... guess what i had... come on... guess... it's not that hard... oh, all right... i had milk and cookies!!! :D the cookies were superb!!! it's oatmeal chocolate chip cookies... the first time i baked a batch!!! :D not to blow my horn or anything, but it really is the best one i have tasted! i made it really big coz yesterday i was having trouble molding coz i already got the bug... so, big, round oatmeal choco chip cookies... :D a, o yeah, why i baked? not because i wanted to eat... it's because i'm trying out the recipe i got for an upcoming event... shh... don't be noisy about the event... well, people who wants to know and wants to help out, just give me a buzz either by commenting, tagboard, ym, e-mail, text (my cellphone is open 24/7)or by calling me at home, i am at home... well, usually... but most of the time i'm out... but you can contact me anyway! there are a lot of methods to contact me! that's it! :D
Monday, April 25, 2005
:: test results ::
from killer...

What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla
to a girl...

You're a romantic girl. You're kind, caring,
loveing, and peaceful. You spend a lot of your
time dreaming and you're not afraid to express
deep emotion, whether it be in a poem, diary,
or words. You hope for love and affection from
your prince charming. I have a feeling he will
come around soon.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
to hidden powers...

Your Hidden Power Is Wind
You have a twisted soul. You change your
directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you
over powering feature. But many enemies are
surprised by your beauty and your great power
to control wind
Gem Stone: Amethist, Eye
Color:Grey Blue,Hair Color:Grey that
goes to your shoulder Blades
Quote:And if the cloud bursts, thunder
in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla
to who are you inside...

You are a water girl. You are flexable and very
nice. You are quiet so people who don't know
you thnk you are weird or just mean and high
and mighty like. You aren't though. You like
to have a good time and you also just like to
relax and just enjoy the stars.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla
that's it!
You are a Samurai.
You are full of honour and value respect. You
are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
person, if it is for justice and peace. You
also don't belive in mourning all the time and
think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
you just have to get up again. It's pointless
to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
just get on with everything. You also are a
down to earth type of person and think before
you act. Impulsive people may annoy you
Main weapon: Sword
Quote: "Always do the right thing.
This will gratify some people and astonish the
rest" -Mark Twain
Facial expression: Small smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
brought to you by Quizilla
to a girl...

You're a romantic girl. You're kind, caring,
loveing, and peaceful. You spend a lot of your
time dreaming and you're not afraid to express
deep emotion, whether it be in a poem, diary,
or words. You hope for love and affection from
your prince charming. I have a feeling he will
come around soon.
What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla
to hidden powers...

You have a twisted soul. You change your
directions and mind easily. Your beauty is you
over powering feature. But many enemies are
surprised by your beauty and your great power
to control wind
Gem Stone: Amethist, Eye
Color:Grey Blue,Hair Color:Grey that
goes to your shoulder Blades
Quote:And if the cloud bursts, thunder
in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear.
And if the band you're in starts playing different
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon.
What Is Your True Hidden Power? .::Beautiful Anime Pics::.
brought to you by Quizilla
to who are you inside...

You are a water girl. You are flexable and very
nice. You are quiet so people who don't know
you thnk you are weird or just mean and high
and mighty like. You aren't though. You like
to have a good time and you also just like to
relax and just enjoy the stars.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only
brought to you by Quizilla
that's it!
Sunday, April 24, 2005
:: boom ::
ey, for me, the remaining days of summer can be counted already... and it's back to hitting the books again... less than a month actually. anyway, not that i don't like to go back to school, but i will miss these days that i don't think about anything but what to eat for breakfast and what i will watch on tv or where will i go... i mean, i am excited about going back to school especially the part that i will be going to a new different school.
this summer is everything but boring! i mean, i get out a lot this includes aikido practice til the end of april... or at least april 29, there's so much to watch on television, and well, the internet is heaven for communicating with my friends. :D so, i got nothing more to ask for, right? i mean, i am enjoying summer and i am getting what i want and i have a lot of free time for myself but i tend to be busy... well, i occupy myself actually... :D anyway, where this entry is going? i don't know!!! haha!!! :D anyway, right now, i'm just waiting for somethings and i'm really not doing anything on the web... and yes, even ym... i don't know... i just don't seem to have a lot of words today.. aw... anyway, that's it! :D
hopefully my summer will continue to be an active and fun one!!! got to make plans for may! :D
this summer is everything but boring! i mean, i get out a lot this includes aikido practice til the end of april... or at least april 29, there's so much to watch on television, and well, the internet is heaven for communicating with my friends. :D so, i got nothing more to ask for, right? i mean, i am enjoying summer and i am getting what i want and i have a lot of free time for myself but i tend to be busy... well, i occupy myself actually... :D anyway, where this entry is going? i don't know!!! haha!!! :D anyway, right now, i'm just waiting for somethings and i'm really not doing anything on the web... and yes, even ym... i don't know... i just don't seem to have a lot of words today.. aw... anyway, that's it! :D
hopefully my summer will continue to be an active and fun one!!! got to make plans for may! :D
Sunday, April 17, 2005
it's worthy
hey! forget the title.. no, actually... don't! :) nothing much anyway, finally thought about certain things already... one thing, no grad ball for me... sorry guys, wait a minute, why am i saying sorry? heck! i don't really need to be there right?! anyway, next month is just a few days away already... i mean we already past half of april and summer classes in SJCS are about to start on monday... sorry to remind the others... but we all have to face reality hahaha!!! that's sorta old school for me already... i mean, i always say that line "face reality" heck, i could get slapped by it coz everyone knows that i'm not great at dealing with it... so, anyway, that's the thing... i'm not great with dealing with it, but then, i keep on saying it? i mean, my ideas are way out of this world... i got a lot of wacky ideas, why just last night when i was picking fleas off our dog i was naming each and everyone of them and well, from the letters a to z, i get to name 78 fleas and ticks... that means three rounds of the alphabet... see what i mean? i get a lot of wacky ideas that are really out of this world whether i like to think about it or not... sometimes they just come... :D they are silly, no? hahaha!!! then why do i keep on pushing other people to "face reality"? simply because i want others to have fun and just accept whatever may cross their ways... coz sometimes i do a lot of sudden silly things that i will regret sooner or later... but not all that sad about it... i mean, i am quite proud of some of them... anyway, enough about that, i'm walking too far from the real entry here... :D
so, people, i just want to know one thing... those interested in helping me out, e-mail me, post a comment or heck, just message me in ym (yahoo id: minisignal) or simply post a message on my tag board or just text me to those who knows my cell num!!! :D um... right, strictly for my batch mates... hope to hear from you guys... i really need your help on this one... :D sorry can't post it here, the someone might read about it in here... :D hahaha!!!
that's it!
so, people, i just want to know one thing... those interested in helping me out, e-mail me, post a comment or heck, just message me in ym (yahoo id: minisignal) or simply post a message on my tag board or just text me to those who knows my cell num!!! :D um... right, strictly for my batch mates... hope to hear from you guys... i really need your help on this one... :D sorry can't post it here, the someone might read about it in here... :D hahaha!!!
that's it!
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
:: it's hard to hide and live a lie ::
let's talk about that for a while... then after that let's talk about my usual status in ym these days... :D
it's hard to hide and live a lie... everyone knows it's true... of course unless you had a sudden case of amnesia! then, you are not running but you are living a new life... and that's not even a lie... anyway, i have tried this stuff for quite some time now... and i really am finding it hard to suppress what i feel... i mean, as for the people who really knows me... they know that i am someone who likes to express myself in different ways and i cam also be really active or very passive around someone... so, hiding... hiding from what?! running from what?! i'm constantly running away from myself... my emotions... i don't want it to take the best of me or what's left of me... i mean, i know i am not that emotionally strong... in fact, i admit that i am a coward at heart... i may not fear horror movies much (well, disgusted maybe or surprised but never afraid and can't sleep during the night) i may not fear to try something new once in a while or to let people know how i feel... but i am a coward.. why? it's because i am afraid to get hurt emotionally and physically. i know, it's lame... i'm afraid of rejection and people who burst out when they are angry... ok... about the live a lie thing?! well, if you run, you naturally hide from what you are running from and when you ditched the thing that you are hiding from, then you sometimes start and act like nothing happened... it's like you want to forget everything but you simply can't... and well, when you act like nothing really happened and deep down you feel really stumped about it coz it keeps on haunting you wherever you go or whatever you do... then you are living a lie... i mean, at least for me it is... it's hard... been there, done that, bought the t-shirt...
then now, let's move on to "i succeeded in hurting the first person i loved. i wish more than anything i could take it back, but i guess that's not possible"--Sebastian; Cruel Intentions this is my status in ym these days and some people are wondering why... coz you know, i live a very happy life right now and still, my status message is well, "parang para sa mga sawi" well, i never really hurt the first person i loved... i mean, i don't even know if i can hurt someone emotionally... anyway, it's just that Cruel Intentions is really my favorite movie and this is my favorite line from it... maybe i can relate to it somehow but not entirely... i mean, um... you just have to draw your own conclusions for that one! :D
that's it!
it's hard to hide and live a lie... everyone knows it's true... of course unless you had a sudden case of amnesia! then, you are not running but you are living a new life... and that's not even a lie... anyway, i have tried this stuff for quite some time now... and i really am finding it hard to suppress what i feel... i mean, as for the people who really knows me... they know that i am someone who likes to express myself in different ways and i cam also be really active or very passive around someone... so, hiding... hiding from what?! running from what?! i'm constantly running away from myself... my emotions... i don't want it to take the best of me or what's left of me... i mean, i know i am not that emotionally strong... in fact, i admit that i am a coward at heart... i may not fear horror movies much (well, disgusted maybe or surprised but never afraid and can't sleep during the night) i may not fear to try something new once in a while or to let people know how i feel... but i am a coward.. why? it's because i am afraid to get hurt emotionally and physically. i know, it's lame... i'm afraid of rejection and people who burst out when they are angry... ok... about the live a lie thing?! well, if you run, you naturally hide from what you are running from and when you ditched the thing that you are hiding from, then you sometimes start and act like nothing happened... it's like you want to forget everything but you simply can't... and well, when you act like nothing really happened and deep down you feel really stumped about it coz it keeps on haunting you wherever you go or whatever you do... then you are living a lie... i mean, at least for me it is... it's hard... been there, done that, bought the t-shirt...
then now, let's move on to "i succeeded in hurting the first person i loved. i wish more than anything i could take it back, but i guess that's not possible"--Sebastian; Cruel Intentions this is my status in ym these days and some people are wondering why... coz you know, i live a very happy life right now and still, my status message is well, "parang para sa mga sawi" well, i never really hurt the first person i loved... i mean, i don't even know if i can hurt someone emotionally... anyway, it's just that Cruel Intentions is really my favorite movie and this is my favorite line from it... maybe i can relate to it somehow but not entirely... i mean, um... you just have to draw your own conclusions for that one! :D
that's it!
Monday, April 11, 2005
what can i say?
well... what can i really say? nothing much has been going on lately... puro labas labas lang and all...
anyway, matagal tagal na rin natapos ang grad... and i'm really missing my friends... sana araw araw tayo nagkakasama noh?! anyway, kakatuwa lang today kasi nakuha ko na yung aikido uniform na order ko... super astig!!! may white belt na ako!!! and to make it black?! dye ko nalang!!! hahaha!!! :D just kidding guys... anyway, now to my personal thoughts...
i want to take up guitar... but it costs a lot of money... so put off muna yun till next time.. aikido muna... :D
really, moving on...
i really don't know what to talk about... argh! ok... i'm lying if i told ya that... really am trying to move on... i mean, trying to forget a lot of things that have happened in the past... but really am having a hard time to do that... i mean, i have been keeping myself overly busy... with aikido, gimiks, tweeking up the pc, heck, im even playing naruto just to keep my mind occupado.. argh!!! why is it so hard to move on mentally but physically it comes whether or not you're ready?! sana i can ease my mind na... as soon as possible... thinking of doing my yoga stuff again.. para ma ease yung mind... anyway... right now, i'm regretting everything that i have been thru... making friends, letting my emotion take the best of me, being close to some people who will be leaving my side soon... i mean, let's face it, even though we want to keep in touch and to keep our friendship stay the same... it will never be the same... i mean, we won't be seeing each other everyday like we used to... maybe for some... but most of us won't... right?! but still... a part of me is saying that i did alright during my stay in sj... heck, i really am missing the place... anyway, more than that... someone needs to slap me back to being my usual self already... too much boredom is not good for lil_mysh... hay... keep on thinking about negative stuff... what is happening to me?! hindi na ako tulad ng dati... maybe i really have changed?!
change for the better?! or change for the worst?! or haven't changed at all? just having an off day?! we will soon find out...
anyway, matagal tagal na rin natapos ang grad... and i'm really missing my friends... sana araw araw tayo nagkakasama noh?! anyway, kakatuwa lang today kasi nakuha ko na yung aikido uniform na order ko... super astig!!! may white belt na ako!!! and to make it black?! dye ko nalang!!! hahaha!!! :D just kidding guys... anyway, now to my personal thoughts...
i want to take up guitar... but it costs a lot of money... so put off muna yun till next time.. aikido muna... :D
really, moving on...
i really don't know what to talk about... argh! ok... i'm lying if i told ya that... really am trying to move on... i mean, trying to forget a lot of things that have happened in the past... but really am having a hard time to do that... i mean, i have been keeping myself overly busy... with aikido, gimiks, tweeking up the pc, heck, im even playing naruto just to keep my mind occupado.. argh!!! why is it so hard to move on mentally but physically it comes whether or not you're ready?! sana i can ease my mind na... as soon as possible... thinking of doing my yoga stuff again.. para ma ease yung mind... anyway... right now, i'm regretting everything that i have been thru... making friends, letting my emotion take the best of me, being close to some people who will be leaving my side soon... i mean, let's face it, even though we want to keep in touch and to keep our friendship stay the same... it will never be the same... i mean, we won't be seeing each other everyday like we used to... maybe for some... but most of us won't... right?! but still... a part of me is saying that i did alright during my stay in sj... heck, i really am missing the place... anyway, more than that... someone needs to slap me back to being my usual self already... too much boredom is not good for lil_mysh... hay... keep on thinking about negative stuff... what is happening to me?! hindi na ako tulad ng dati... maybe i really have changed?!
change for the better?! or change for the worst?! or haven't changed at all? just having an off day?! we will soon find out...
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
lucky coin
went to dlsu awhile ago to make my reservations... went there at around 6 am... waited for the admissions office to open... then got tired of waiting and went to mcdo... and to buy a hot chocolate for myself... i needed 25 pesos... and i only had 20 pesos... so no choice... my lucky coin was a 5 peso coin... took it out and paid... bye bye lucky coin... you can never be replaced... :((
im gonna miss you... you hold so many great memories... and parting is really such sweet sorrow!
im gonna miss you... you hold so many great memories... and parting is really such sweet sorrow!
Monday, April 04, 2005
aikido... torture!!!
thought it would be a lot of fun.. turns out, its just plain torture!!! we went rolling and rolling on the ground (mat) ... just plain torture!!! hahaha!!! :) still had fun though... anyway... besides that? iv got nothing else to say...
my back hurts, my neck hurts, my arms hurt, my legs hurt... in short, every bone in my body has been stretched!!! i need a massage... stat!!! :)
til there
thought it would be a lot of fun.. turns out, its just plain torture!!! we went rolling and rolling on the ground (mat) ... just plain torture!!! hahaha!!! :) still had fun though... anyway... besides that? iv got nothing else to say...
my back hurts, my neck hurts, my arms hurt, my legs hurt... in short, every bone in my body has been stretched!!! i need a massage... stat!!! :)
til there
Sunday, April 03, 2005
ey, just watched tv... anyway, almost all the channels have the Pope John Paul II documentaries... being a Catholic, i couldn't say i wasn't affected... i know i may not seem like the type who is religious and all... and i'm not saying that i am... but, Christianity is a part of me... and i can't remove the faith i have.
anyway, while eating my lunch in front of the tv awhile ago, i felt the ground shaking, earthquake! but still i continue to finish my lunch and watch tv... well, that was the time my brother connected to the internet... heck, he shouted, "patay na pala si Pope John Paul..." then i turned the channel to cnn... seeing the Vatican full of people mourning for the death of one great man... the living (well, for the past 26 years at least) sheperd of the Catholic church... i remembered the book i read last time... "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown... it talks about the death of a Pope too... then his camerlengo was made Pope because the bishops chanted his name when he was ablazed like a holy being on top of the Vatican... not only that, i also remembered "The Da Vinci Code" also by Dan Brown. i mean, i was intrigued by the facts there about the Catholic church although some are merely fiction... anyway, my point is, i know my faith, at least i think i know enough... but even the most faithful follower still has secrets to unravel... everyone has... including did St. Peter even set foot on Rome? i mean, at least where the St. Peter's Basilica stands now... anyway, i'm not questioning... i'm simply curious about those things... i know i will find out soon...
so, the world lost a great leader who has build bridges over different culture... maybe the earthquake awhile ago was a premonition... that i should know that a great man has returned to the Supreme one, the almighty Creator, the Alpha and the Omega... i hope the next one to take the seat of our beloved Pope John Paul II will do just as great as our late pope... that's it!!!
anyway, while eating my lunch in front of the tv awhile ago, i felt the ground shaking, earthquake! but still i continue to finish my lunch and watch tv... well, that was the time my brother connected to the internet... heck, he shouted, "patay na pala si Pope John Paul..." then i turned the channel to cnn... seeing the Vatican full of people mourning for the death of one great man... the living (well, for the past 26 years at least) sheperd of the Catholic church... i remembered the book i read last time... "Angels and Demons" by Dan Brown... it talks about the death of a Pope too... then his camerlengo was made Pope because the bishops chanted his name when he was ablazed like a holy being on top of the Vatican... not only that, i also remembered "The Da Vinci Code" also by Dan Brown. i mean, i was intrigued by the facts there about the Catholic church although some are merely fiction... anyway, my point is, i know my faith, at least i think i know enough... but even the most faithful follower still has secrets to unravel... everyone has... including did St. Peter even set foot on Rome? i mean, at least where the St. Peter's Basilica stands now... anyway, i'm not questioning... i'm simply curious about those things... i know i will find out soon...
so, the world lost a great leader who has build bridges over different culture... maybe the earthquake awhile ago was a premonition... that i should know that a great man has returned to the Supreme one, the almighty Creator, the Alpha and the Omega... i hope the next one to take the seat of our beloved Pope John Paul II will do just as great as our late pope... that's it!!!
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Natural Beauty! You impress with your narural
charme and your simple beauty. You only want to
be the person you are and be accepted as that.
Go you!
What kind of beauty are you? .._..contains Anime pictures.._..
brought to you by Quizilla

You are a water angel! Very proud and powerful you
always make people feel great about themselves
and you seem to radiate happiness! You rock!
Which natural angel are you? (awe-inspiring pics!)
brought to you by Quizilla

You have a goodbye kiss...sweet and romantic, but
tragic. Is your beloved one leaving?
What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are everybody's friend!!! Yay!!! You like
talking to thousand of people...you're friendly
and always up to a party!!!
What kind of friend are you?(anime pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
transferred some quiz results here! :D
cook off!!!
ey, slept at around 2 am last night... can't seem to get some rest... i was lying on my bed for at least 1 and a half hours... don't know why...
anyway, woke up at around 6:30 a while ago because of my beeping cellphone again... then trued to go back to sleep when i replied to the one who texted... but can't seem to get back to sleep, i finally woke up and took a bath... then at around 9:00 to 9:30, we went to sm manila to buy some things from the supermarket for our cook off...
went to Haze's house... well, the point is, we spent a very hot day in front of the stove!!! but it was fun!!! it was the first time i shed tears because i was peeling and cutting up some onions... hahaha!!! and of course, the best part is eating what we cooked. we prepared some leche flan, spicy mac with tuna and spaghetti sauce (mind you, it's delish!!!), lots and lots of tomato omelet for our snack (and emphasize the lots!), and some black gulaman to wash everything down... it was a lot of fun!!! i learned a lot today...
1. never leave the house without a head gear this summer... it really is hot out there!!!
2. bring a hanky for your sweat... you'll be sweating a lot, whether indoors or outdoors!!!
3. water!!! lots of it!!! the sun will literally dehydrate you!!!
hahaha!!! that's it for now!
anyway, woke up at around 6:30 a while ago because of my beeping cellphone again... then trued to go back to sleep when i replied to the one who texted... but can't seem to get back to sleep, i finally woke up and took a bath... then at around 9:00 to 9:30, we went to sm manila to buy some things from the supermarket for our cook off...
went to Haze's house... well, the point is, we spent a very hot day in front of the stove!!! but it was fun!!! it was the first time i shed tears because i was peeling and cutting up some onions... hahaha!!! and of course, the best part is eating what we cooked. we prepared some leche flan, spicy mac with tuna and spaghetti sauce (mind you, it's delish!!!), lots and lots of tomato omelet for our snack (and emphasize the lots!), and some black gulaman to wash everything down... it was a lot of fun!!! i learned a lot today...
1. never leave the house without a head gear this summer... it really is hot out there!!!
2. bring a hanky for your sweat... you'll be sweating a lot, whether indoors or outdoors!!!
3. water!!! lots of it!!! the sun will literally dehydrate you!!!
hahaha!!! that's it for now!
Friday, April 01, 2005
April Fools
ey! what can i write today... absolutely nothing!!!
well, i woke up at around 8 am because of my beeping cellphone... someone messaged me! it's not really a surprise since i was bugging people the night before for absolutely nothing... just that i miss them and that sort of stuff... anyway, i was surprised to read the message... it's from Ann asking me about a gimik that was planned long before... hey, what the heck, i know that this summer will be busy for me but i want to spend some time with lots of friends too! anyway, so we planned this whole thing out... April 9 we're going to spend our day in RP again.. fave place!!! :)) you want to see us? meet us there! :D
anyway, after planning all that... i really got nothing to do and i don't want to spend the day outdoors since the temp is around 40 degree celcius maybe... i don't know... basta it's hot!!! anyway, Haze called about some stuff... talked on the phone and actually realized that it was already 10 plus and i'm sweating... you know why?! i haven't took a bath yet!!! so, after hanging up, i went straight to take a long nice cold bath... :D then watched some tv... ate lunch... took a nap... got online... watched tv again... ate dinner... and well, i'm back here in front of the pc... :D
anyway, really am looking forward for the stuff i have planned for the summer... first things first, my reservation in dlsu! :D well... that's the most important anyway... next is tom cook out in Haze's house... i'm psyched about it! next is the aikido class Haze, Jing and me took up... starts monday you know... and of course the movie line up i want to watch! :D there's also the planned guitar lessons... and the driving lessons too!!! anyway, really am looking forward for the summer... and oh, yeah, the seniors ball... argh! sorry guys, i won't be going... unless someone asks me to go and i know the people who are gonna be going... anyway... really got to think about all of it... that's it!!!
well, i woke up at around 8 am because of my beeping cellphone... someone messaged me! it's not really a surprise since i was bugging people the night before for absolutely nothing... just that i miss them and that sort of stuff... anyway, i was surprised to read the message... it's from Ann asking me about a gimik that was planned long before... hey, what the heck, i know that this summer will be busy for me but i want to spend some time with lots of friends too! anyway, so we planned this whole thing out... April 9 we're going to spend our day in RP again.. fave place!!! :)) you want to see us? meet us there! :D
anyway, after planning all that... i really got nothing to do and i don't want to spend the day outdoors since the temp is around 40 degree celcius maybe... i don't know... basta it's hot!!! anyway, Haze called about some stuff... talked on the phone and actually realized that it was already 10 plus and i'm sweating... you know why?! i haven't took a bath yet!!! so, after hanging up, i went straight to take a long nice cold bath... :D then watched some tv... ate lunch... took a nap... got online... watched tv again... ate dinner... and well, i'm back here in front of the pc... :D
anyway, really am looking forward for the stuff i have planned for the summer... first things first, my reservation in dlsu! :D well... that's the most important anyway... next is tom cook out in Haze's house... i'm psyched about it! next is the aikido class Haze, Jing and me took up... starts monday you know... and of course the movie line up i want to watch! :D there's also the planned guitar lessons... and the driving lessons too!!! anyway, really am looking forward for the summer... and oh, yeah, the seniors ball... argh! sorry guys, i won't be going... unless someone asks me to go and i know the people who are gonna be going... anyway... really got to think about all of it... that's it!!!
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