"You tell me what you want and I'll be that for you!"

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


holy week just passed me by so quickly. 'm not really a very good Christian, i admit that. i didn't go to Church like i'm supposed to... but i prayed, not really in the sense that i made the sign of the cross and everything... but i had a lot of free time and i talked to God... i do that a lot.

thursday's moon was awesome! the last time i saw a moon like that was the summer after grade 6. and the one who told me to look at it was in cebu that time... from that time on, i have always followed the moon around. i stayed at the balcony of our house in Sta. Mesa for awhile, then the stars appeared... a beautiful, beautiful sight. the only thing missing? a bottle of champagne and someone special to dance with... *sigh*

and friday, i'm nowhere to be found... as well as saturday. where have i been? to a place where my sun cell have no signal or very little for that matter... i went to Zambales with my dad to "originally" eat some shrimps... correction, a lot of shrimps! i didn't know where zambales was... i didn't have a clue that it will take us 5 hours on the road just to reach our destination... but, i guess it was worth it. milk fish and shrimp were my favorite food there... the shrimp ponds are nice and i just loved to see the shrimps jumping around when the net was lifted. but summer here in the Philippines is really no joke... it's hot! and now, guess what, i'm tanned again... hopefully in a month's time my skin will return too normal again.

sunday, like thursday night, i was the "shobe" of the dinner table... well, it's not that i didn't enjoy it... it was fun being with my elder brothers (cousins) once in a while... talking about nothing else but the food in front of us... hahahha!!! and well, after dinner was our computer hogging time... we were all over the laptop looking at disgusting photos while our youngest cousin was being the little baby he is. and the week ended just like that... monday came...

i really thought monday was nothing but DOOM... it was course card distribution day for me... and heck! my first stop? chemtwo... i felt the room slowly closing in on me, i know it was my fault if i failed... i didn't really study... but, thankfully, i barely passed... not really the type of thing that i would be proud off... but considering what i did in preparation for the finals and all the long quizzes, i think it's appropriate. and the rest followed. the time i went in the room to get my phyeng1 course card... J210 at 11:00 am... i didn't really want to stay cause like Dr. Palisoc said, i am wasting my time there... i was sure that i will be receiving another 0.0... but i was brave enough to stay and said to myself that if ever i really got a 0.0, it was all my fault for not taking phyeng1 seriously like everyone else. i got it, didn't even bother to look at the grade waiting for me... i received the card faced down, didn't even bother to look at it, i inserted in in my pouch and went out the door. i didn't cry... but i think i went pale there, the pressure was more than i could ever handle. my heart was crying out and just wanted to break... it was heavy, i was nervous and shaking... there was no one there to be with me once again when i see a 0.0 on the course card. when i gathered up my courage which took about only a minute or two, i looked at it and nearly shriek right there, outside J210! i passed! well, barely but still i passed!!! 1.0! ok, that humiliating... but, i know i didn't do the best i could... promise, i will be studying harder from now on! i called steph lee, the one who was with me from the time i entered la salle that day. and i was estatic! excited for once that day! i felt so great to know that i didn't ask anyone to help me out and i did everything in that class all by myself... i listened by myself, took notes... everything! i did it!!! since then, everything went by smoothly that day and when night came, i was tired beyond words...

and truthfully saying, today's badminton and pingpong session was totally great for me... but the problem is... now i have a slight fever!!! oh well, back to the boob tube for my shows!

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