Friday, July 29, 2005
if only... fiction
anyway, another deal... i don't know whether i am ever going to get peace during our p.e. class... i can't get the forms in taekwondo!!! it needs concentration and focus... i can't seem to have it!!! gosh!!! i guess i'm the only one stupid enough not to get it... it seems that something is always bothering me... (e-mail, text or ym me if you want to help me out on this one)
another one... i entered writing fics again!!! wow!!! after... (counting from second year til now) almost three years!!! hahaha!!! but i have evolved... not anymore just fan fics... it's now ordinary fiction, in short, my own original! finally have the chance to make every character obey my every will!!! even the hair styles, the attitude, and the way of thinking!!! gyahahahahaha!!! anyway, most of my fics back then were from Slam Dunk, and the ever so famous and cute Hisashi Mitsui!!! but from now on, it will be (and i hope) my really unique names and characters... i know i'm a weird person, that's why i have the capacity to write and invent far out ideas which i find partly acceptable to everyone... ( i hope... ) gyahahahaha!!! anyway, so... if you want to check my fics out...
fan fictions :
pen name : minisignal
fictions :
pen name : minisignal1
reviews will really be appreciated... though my account in is not accessible anymore because i lost the password and the e-mail account i used there has already been erased... hahahaha!!! but, in, i am still working on my first fic there... so, reviews will totally be appreciated! :D and oh yeah, for my very first fic there, i would like to thank Mama Tep for the very wonderful title! i promise to live up the name by writing a good story for it! :D
Sunday, July 24, 2005
sacrifices... destiny... and sound trips
sacrifices... what do i mean by that? in life, we have a lot of sacrifices to do... we have to sacrifice sleep to do some assignments or work... we need to sacrifice emotions for the sake of others... we need to sacrifice distance for the betterment (? im inventing words ata... ) of others... we need to sacrifice tv time for studying... we need to sacrifice chatting for work load... we need to sacrifice having fun to understand life... everyday, we sacrifice some stuff in order to do something better. we sacrifice not because we want to... but because we need to... we let go of old stuff to give way to the new... the question is... is it all worth it? i mean, why can't we just to both without sacrificing the other? why do we always have sadness when we first have happiness? when i was young and naive... i laughed when our teacher told us that life is a wheel... we have our up moments and later on we have our downs... it isn't always up... it isn't always down... i don't know why life is like that... is it because of wrong decisions? that we first enjoy something then later on regret doing it? why? because we are only humans and we are not perfect? wow... now, i'm not laughing at what our teacher said... i'm pondering at it... problems now come from different corners... they're everywhere! haunting me all the way from when i open my eyes til i go to sleep... i know i'm not the only one... everyone have problems and most probably my problems are just puny compared to others... but it's hard to pretend that you're always happy... that you are like worry-free but in fact, you are crying yourself to sleep every night... that you can't say anything to others because you are the one they are counting on to be strong and to be approachable. sure, i am cheerful... but it doesn't mean that i don't have any problems... let's face it... this is my blog... you will know me more here... i am weak... very weak in fact... i can't even handle a simple yes or no question without regretting what i decided on... i'm weak... but i don't want to show it to people... because i want that weakness to go away... i want it to just disappear... but sometimes when i just can't take it... i simply walk away... a friend once told me to laugh at my problems, turn my back on them and it will go... yes, i still do that... but it comes back haunting me... cause i know what i did is not right...
destiny... is there really such thing? i just read a forwarded text message saying that you can choose who to care for but you can't choose who to fall for because it's destiny. it made me think... is there really such thing as destiny? if there is, why don't we know what our destiny hold??? it's like saying that there is a future in front of us but we are not certain if it is really possible... what's destiny anyway?
sound trips... hahahah!!! ngayon lang ulit! gosh... all my mp3s are obsolete! even my cds here are really old... 1940's pa yung iba!!! anyway, i love the oldies... just finished listening to "love hurts" by bon jovi and now i'm listening to "could be wrong" by mymp... but why am i listening? it's because i don't feel like doing anything tonight... i want to do some relaxation even for a little while during the weekend after finishing a hard week... anyway, during my sound trip tonight, i found some songs...
> "thank you for loving me" by bon jovi -- perfect song!!! gosh!!! it almost brought tears...
> "i'll be there for you" by bon jovi -- sweet!!!
> "dream without you" by mymp -- touching...
> "the day you said goodbye" -- just heard it in the mall awhile ago while i was window shopping... i'm not even sure of the title!!! :)) it's nice...
> "forever" by damage -- the ultimate!!! gosh!!! it's my all time favorite!!! forever!!!
> a song that's something like "you love me but you don't know who i am..." i really like that line... i don't know why... but i just like the song... :D
> "stay the same" by joey mcintyre -- it's another perfect song... gosh... it made me cry like a dozen times already!!!
> "brown eyes" by destiny's child -- it's like... ewan ko kung bakit... just love the song!
> "untitled" by simple plan -- i'm in love with this song!!! and i mean really in love!!!
> "how close is heaven" by los lonely boys -- i like this song ever since bo bice sang it! :D
> "halaga" by parokya ni edgar -- i'm speechless... simply speechless...
still am sound tripping! :D
anyway, friday was the SME acquaintance party... to make things short... i got drunk and well, i almost didn't get to reach home if it was not for polar... so thanks polar! :D i really had a lot of fun despite being drunk...
next thing, i just got home from Mama Steph's debut... it was fun... matino... unique and well... just enjoyable... hope everyone found it the same... :D
Happy 18th birthday Mama Tep!!!
p.s. ... i feel very stupid...
Thursday, July 14, 2005
a spooky experience...
going to our graphone class from the sports complex, we need to pass by the gox gate or the agno gate... we chose the agno gate... while arvin and william were having their bags checked by the guards, i went a little bit ahead and fixed my things by the wall near the agno house... suddenly, a cold hand... a very cold hand was at my nape!!! omg!!! i was so surprised that i automatically turned my head back just to find that arvin and william were still by the guards and no one was near me. i looked around for familiar faces... but i found none... when the two guys were done with the guards, i asked them if they were the ones... who knows, maybe they were playing a trick on me or something... they told me that they were nowhere near me... neither was anybody else... they insisted that maybe it was just my imagination... but i know imagination, and that certainly wasn't one of them! one more evidence was their hands were warm... the hand that was just on me was ice cold! gosh... i didn't know what to do... then during our graphone class, i have forgotten it a little but then suddenly, the part where the hand held me was painfully distrupting... it was irritating!!! that time, i really am sure that that wasn't just any imagination... it was real... but i wonder... whose hand was that?
minumulto kaya ako?
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
80 more pages...
so, what happened today? i'm inspired!!! at 5:00 am, i was looking at my cellphone clock and impatiently waiting for the right time to wake up, which is by the way at 6:00 during tuesdays and thursdays... anyway, it finally reached 6:00 and i dashed out of our room and cooked my breakfast. i was simply full of energy from the beginning of the day, wha more the rest?! anyway, when i entered dlsu, i was surprisingly awake and really smiling! i never thought that day would come that i would be so excited to enter dlsu and so excited to finish my first class! but today isn't an ordinary day... after my first class, i had a 3 and a half hour break with that break, i can go anywhere and do anything i want! :D with that time, i rode a jeepney (didn't get off at the right spot) and went to UST to meet up with some friends. :D anyway, returned to DLSU with jira riding a taxi and had my face painted with a very big smile! i was in for a 3-hour period of computational lab for algebra and i was still all smiles! hahahah!!! while in the lab, i was inspiringly solving everything in sight, sadly though, the only thing i perfected was the problem solving... as for the rest... i only got 1 or 2 answers correct... hahaha!!! but anyway, that's not really the point... i'm just happy to see our sj friends in ust and at the same time, sj friends in dlsu every morning! :D hahahah!!! it's getting to be fun... i'm actually having fun again!!! i love it!!! i'm addicted to having fun!!! it's a wonderful feeling that i always want to have...
but sadly, despite all that fun, i'm worried... omg... it's mixed emotions all over again...
Sunday, July 10, 2005
animo la salle!
the de la salle green archers defeated the ateneo blue eagles by a whooping 18-pt lead during the first uaap game in season 68! during the first quarter, the green archers shot 20 pts while the blue eagles shot... i don't know... i really didn't have the chance to watch the first quarter... i caught up at the near end of second quarter which the green archers took a 30-pt lead over the eagles! i'm sure that lasallians and lasallians alike were having a ball over the lead during the half time. anyway, during the third quarter, the blue eagles struggled to at least cut the lead of the archers to a mere 23 pts i think... i'm not really sure about the digits anymore because i really had so much fun watching it over the tv...
anyway, even over the television, you can feel the enthusiastic roar of the fans cheering for their teams... it really caught up with me and before you know it, i was jumping on top of the bed and was shouting some words that i can't remember... i was like possessed! but really, it wasn't really that much of great game... i'm comparing it to the greatest game i have watched in the nba, the one that lakers and kings took an over time because robert horry shot entered the basket at the last milli second! hahaha!!! which, by the way, i'm not supposed to do... anyway, there you go... i may not have attended the game in the coliseum... but i supported dlsu in front of the television... even though i tuned in late already! :D
animo la salle!!!
Saturday, July 09, 2005
nice guys finish last
but never the less, being in the middle doesn't seem to be a very big deal.. come on, we all know that...
but anyway, point is... it's better that you're the first and the last... no arguements there! :D
first note

here's the cake!

happy birthday tanya!

happy with the cookies?! :D
then there was the "first note" concert in u.p. ... thought it was gonna be a drag actually... but it turned out... pretty ok.. :D pics with my blockmates, fun!

nikki and karlo

john and kat


arvin choi and me! (not necessarily just blockmates... fellow judenite!)

kat and polar (another one!)

rabby and chester
hahaha!!! those were taken in abelardo hall in u.p. diliman... :D
Thursday, July 07, 2005
happy birthday tanya!
looks like i wasn't too exhausted to update today! yipee!!! anyway, this day has been... idle... and i mean it... i learned some things, inputted some things but more was drawn out from me... i think... hahaha!!!
anyway, like any other day, i'm emotionally and physically drained... ewan ko... dalas kong tulala ngayon... maybe missing the Judenites!!! especially our batch...
anyway, got nothing else to say... nothing really happened today... just had my first midterms! hooray!!! and trust me... i didn't study... wah!!! what will the results be?! i'm afraid to know...
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
first midterms...
anyway, got a lot of plans up ahead... just wanna take this chance to say,
Advance Happy Birthday Tanya!!!
bye bye
anyway... got really nothing to say...
Sunday, July 03, 2005
the night life
spent it in Rockwell Power Plant with Jay and the guys... caught a movie, ate dinner... stuff like that... just plain hanging out. anyway, it was different cause it was... i dunno... a different bunch of people might have affected it... hahaha!!! one more thing, i bought a 1/144 Saviour Gundam!!! and done assembling it with a very long 45 minutes!!! there's an explanation for that, the light wasn't sufficient and i was tired and sleepy! EXCUSES!!! gyahahaha!!! anyway, in Rockwell, i can say that we did some embarrassing stuff.... hahaha!!! won't tell!!! anyway, went home at an early 12:00 am... Tahong, thanks for the ride home! :D anyway, really had fun... thanks Jay! and thanks for the others too, like, Kenevvy, Mau, Eunice, Jally, Mark, Cathy, Hans, Osmond, Alden, Mix, Franz, Tahong, Adrian, Ahya Fred... an of course the rest!!! :D hahaha!!! anyway,
Advance Happy Birthday Jay!
**the helium filled balloon, ice cream, party hat and the ampitheater plan will be cancelled guys... :( takot ako kay Bola!!!
Friday, July 01, 2005
some confused quizzes
Your power is: The ability to fly
Explanation: This powers speaks pretty
much for itself. Though you don't need wings
for this power,you can fly anyway. Some people
may consider it as telekinesis since they can
also fly, but you can't make material things
move like they can. This ability could be a
relaxing activity when you want to get away
from everyday troubles. Also it is good when
sneaking upon an enemy since it makes no sound.
When going over to the "dark side"
the power could be used to harrass and break
into building through windows etc.
You are quite similar to this power since you
like to have your head in the clouds.
Supernatural things amuse while ordinary life
does not. If your daydreaming has gotten a
little too far you might be zooned out all the
time, even when you are having a conversation.
Your desires and/or goals tend to be
unrealistic even if you know those would
probably never happen. Travelling is something
you would be interested in doing since seeing
exotic scenery fits with your fantasies of
escaping your plain life. You can also have
some creative ability (writer, playing an
instrumen etc) that interests you.
Negative aspects: The whole reason you
may be escaping life could be fear of being let
down by it. So if that would come to happen,
and an important dream had been crushed you
could get depressed.
What Power is Compatible With You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You need guidance.
You have become very confused in your life
right now and are unable to make decisions that
pleases you. You may resort to drastic measures
as harming yourself, but the situation doesn't
seem to get any better by whatever method you
are using for now. There is a pain inside
because of this and you feel helpless in your
life, thinking you will never find your way
back. But even though the path may seem dark
you still try to find yourself, which means
your inner battle is not over.
What Do You Need in Your Life? [dark pics]
brought to you by Quizilla
Your word is: Brooding. You are a true thinker and
often try to figure out the meaning of life,
why we are all here etc. You may not be so
social, and often think twice before acting but
those thoughts you have in your mind never stop
flowing in. Sometimes you can be so
concentrated you forget about other things that
you have to do. Don't change, this world needs
deep people.
What dark word represents you? (anime pics and 7 outcomes)
brought to you by Quizilla

You're a very mellow, care-free person. Your
exactly what calm, cool, and collected mean.
You never overreact or panic in a bad situation
and you always know what to do. Everyone goes
to you for advice because you never lose your
head so your very reliable. You tend to take
everything in stride, like in school your moto
is just sit back and relax not to say you dont
pay attention and work, but you dont overexert
yourself. Even though people come to you for
counciling(sp?) you can still be very quite,
your not good with making new friends, but your
extremely close to the ones you have. Remember
its ok to put your emotions out there even
though there is a chance they might get hurt.
Also in school sometimes its good to stress out
a little, just because you think you dont need
to study doesnt mean you should'nt, and also
try to push yourself more even though you might
be good where you are doesnt mean you can,t be
better. Check out my new short story.
Whats Your Personality(with PICS)
brought to you by Quizilla