"You tell me what you want and I'll be that for you!"

Friday, July 09, 2010


hey, I need to vent out somewhere since I stopped tweeting… :))

Anyway, I read a blog of a friend of mine reminiscing about high school (it was an old entry… about 3 years ago I think) anyway, it kinda got me thinking… no, not about what I did and what happened during those years, but how much I've changed since then…

then : I never go out of the house and spend time in movies and restaurants with friends
now : Well, let's just say that I am going back to the old times for various reasons… :)

then : I would go straight home after school, watch TV, eat dinner then sleep early and wake up early
now : I loll around at the mall, go spend time in the gym before I go home… earliest would be at around six pm… watch TV, go online, spend way too much time on Facebook, eat dinner, watch more TV and sleep super late… as in dawn kinda late and wake up late!

then : I would never never never be late for anything. Even during my first few years in college
now : I am always late at appointments, late in going to school… well, you get the picture

then : I would never think of going anywhere for over nights if it wasn't school related
now : I want to go away every weekend!!!

then : I never travel alone
now : I'm often alone… haha, it's a choice. :)

then : I never shop for clothes and I always wear big ones
now : I can't seem to stop shopping… O_O

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