"You tell me what you want and I'll be that for you!"

Sunday, June 27, 2010

a little too old

Yes, I am a little too old to be watching cartoons and be a big big big fan of Disney. But I am not ashamed to shout it to the world (or at least post it in this blog that hardly anybody if there are still some that visit this) and to my twitter account that I love them!

Why? Is there something wrong with a twenty *bleep* year old girl who loves to enjoy what kids enjoy? No, the country I live in is a democratic country and I can do whatever I want… or so I believe. Nah, kidding. But hey, I know I have a naive attitude, a very playful high spirited characteristic and a seriously childish brain and heart but that's who I am and that's how I want to stay.

This is something good actually. A lot of people my age or younger in fact loves cursing. As in in every statement they utter, there's a curse word in it… Not mine :) I am proud, very proud in fact that I have a clean mouth. I enjoy the simpler things in life… although a lot of people around me might disagree because I love branded things… but the simplest gesture like replying to my message can paint a big smile on my face. The simplest gift, like a greeting, on special occasions can make me the happiest person at that specific moment…

Yeah, I know, I am like a child. Well, hey, I am still a child and I am proud to say that I don't grow up just yet :)

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