"You tell me what you want and I'll be that for you!"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

five years

Lately, I have been not been getting people a lot. Correction, just one. It's like I'm being played and I've been foolishly letting myself be played. Why is that? Am I back to my old hopeless romantic self? It's the first time in five years that I have been like this, letting a person sway me so easily. I know it's pathetic. 

Experts say that significant changes in a person's life can been seen in every seven years of their lives (age 7, 14, 21…) But so far, for me, I have been finding myself changing emotionally every five years… why is that? 

When going back to the very first person I like, it took me five years to get over him. Same goes with the second one. And now, it's been five years since I have let go and here I find myself putting the same, if not more, feelings into another person. So I guess another five years will be wasted? 

"He's the time taken up but it's never enough and he's all I need to fall into…" 

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